
Returning to God from that which God has given us is a tangible way to express our faith.

Stewardship 2025

His divine Power has given us EVERYTHING needed for Life & GODLINESS
through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory & goodness.

2 Peter 1:3


Understanding Financial Stewardship. 
At Christ Church, we know that financial stewardship is an important component of a balanced spiritual life. Returning to God from that which God has given us is a tangible way to express our faith. When each of us gives as we are able, together we fund ministry within our parish, to the Tyler community, and to the world.

Please join us in prayerfully considering a pledge for 2025.

A pledge is an estimate of giving; some call it a statement of intent. Your pledge amount may be changed, increased or decreased during the year, at any time as your financial circumstances change.

Pledging allows you to make intentional decisons about your financial giving. When you plan ahead for your giving, you make conscious choices about spending your money in ways that reflect your faith and values. Receiving your pledge allows our Vestry, the church’s governing board, to do for our parish community what you do for your household: plan wisely for the use of your resources in support of the mission and ministry to which God has called us.

You may pledge by:

  • returning a traditional commitment card
  • using the Christ Church mobile app
  • or online here. 

If you do not have the Christ Church app on your phone click on the following iOS  or  android to download for your device.

Ways to Give



Simply place in the offering plate using the envelopes provided in the pews.

By Mail

Checks may be mailed to 118 S. Bois d’Arc, Tyler, Texas 75702.

Other Ways to Give

Estate Planning

The Endowment Fund of Christ Church provides an opportunity for church members to make gifts to Christ Church that are a permanent endowment of financial support for the Church and a living memorial to the donor. The fund is managed professionally, the principal is not drawn upon, and the income from the fund supports mission and capital projects which are above and beyond the established programs funded through the general operating budget. Methods available for gifts to the Endowment Fund include bequests and memorials, securities, life insurance, real estate, and cash.


May be made to Christ Church to honor loved ones or friends.
Please contact us if you are interested in making a gift to Christ Church in honor of someone else.

Questions? please contact Parish Administrator Diana Keesey or call 903-597-9854.